
Designing a mobile karaoke experience.


Product Designer


Product Design, Rapid Prototyping


Elva Chen


This project was created for the Sonos x Adobe Creative Jam, where we took on the challenge of designing an app that enables people to easily discover and share their love of music with others in the same physical space—without requiring a music library or subscription.

We saw this as an opportunity to learn Adobe XD and push ourselves to create within a short timeframe. In the end, our work paid off—we won first place in the competition!

our task

Design an app where people can easily discover and share their love of music with others in the same space, whether or not they have a music service subscription or digital library.


As college students coming out of the COVID pandemic, we recognized the unique challenges faced by our peers transitioning back to in-person classes and college life after prolonged periods of online learning and lockdowns due to COVID-19.

The challenge of regaining confidence in social settings inspired us to explore ways to facilitate connections between college students through an in-person musical experience.

Around two in five students have said it’s harder to meet classmates and make friends since the pandemic.

- survey

Over 61% [of 18–25 year olds] reported feelings of loneliness, 43% said it became worse since the pandemic.

- 2022 Harvard University study


Through surveys and interviews, we identified how students engage with music and their primary ways of sharing and enjoying it together. Our findings revealed that students primarily connect through:

01. Sharing Music (ex. Spotify Blend)
02. Karaoke
03. Playing Instruments

our goal

Create an in-person karaoke app experience that will help and encourage college students post-pandemic to build connections and regain confidence in social settings.

design principles

  1. Make it distinct, but reminiscent of traditional karaoke.

  2. Allow multiple users to participate.

  3. Gamify it.

  1. Make it distinct, but reminiscent of traditional karaoke.

  2. Allow multiple users to participate.

  3. Gamify it.

introducing sync

Sync is a multiplayer competitive karaoke game that allows friends within the same vicinity to compete against each other in the ultimate sing off!

  1. Sign up

Create and customize your account to make yourself easily discoverable by friends.

  1. find friends to play with

Discover and select nearby players to start a new game.

  1. queue songs to sing

Search up your favorite karaoke songs and add them to the queue.

  1. start singing

Select your part to sing. Compete against the other players and do your best to stay in tune!

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