
Increasing cultural and historical awareness through Apple Maps.


Product Designer


Product Design, Prototyping, User Research


Design a new feature for Maps.


Anne Fernandez & Evelynn Li


As University of Washington students, we are familiar with Native American land acknowledgments, which have deepened our awareness of the cultural significance of the land around us. However, this experience is not universal, nor does it mean we are well-versed in cultures beyond our own.

Cultural education and awareness are often overlooked in the systems and platforms around us, contributing to a society more prone to misunderstandings and offenses.

In response, we created our Maps feature to help bridge this gap.

our task

Explore and analyze the Maps app and create a new feature or component that complements the app's existing features and enhances the overall user experience.

UNderstanding the space

To design a meaningful feature, we first needed to understand the product. Through our analysis, we determined that Maps is primarily used for navigation and exploration.

Use Case I. Navigating from one place to another

Use Case II. Exploring a place, both broad and specific.


We interviewed regular Maps users to understand how they use the app and their motivations. Additionally, we explored whether there was interest in cultural education within the app's existing use cases. These conversations revealed a strong desire for cultural education, particularly in the context of travel.

Users gave a 9.3/10 average rating of the importance of cultural awareness.

75% admitted to feeling culturally uneducated visiting a new place.

All agreed that this feature would be most beneficial in the context of travel.

Users linked culture and history, suggesting a feature that targets both.

Statements and numbers taken from user interviews.

the opportunity

Develop a new feature designed for users visiting or exploring a new area, with a focus on cultural and historical insights.

design principles

01. Information is Key

We must make sure our information is credible and relevant.

02. Communicate Effectively

To engage our users we must make the information engaging and digestible.

03. Adhere to the Design System

The feature must adhere to the existing Apple Maps design system and ethos.

Concept Exploration 01. Filter

Cultural and historical filters that users can apply to add relevant information to their view.

This concept didn’t make it.

The scope of information in this flow is too broad. Presenting excessive details and choices can overwhelm users. While allowing users to select their preferred information is valuable, too many options can be counterproductive.

Concept Exploration 02. Layers

A singular filter that highlights specific historic and cultural locations when activated.

We chose to go with this concept!

This flow integrates well within the existing use case of exploration and the design system.

Concept Exploration 01. Filter

Cultural and historical filters that users can apply to add relevant information to their view.

This concept didn’t make it.

The scope of information in this flow is too broad. Presenting excessive details and choices can overwhelm users. While allowing users to select their preferred information is valuable, too many options can be counterproductive.

The Final Concept

Create a new layer within Apple Maps that will highlight key cultural locations and provide information on them.

Using the layer after a specific search.

Using the layer to explore.

our final concept

The Historical Cultural Layer, when activated, highlights locations of historical and cultural significance, allowing users to access relevant information.

Using the Feature.

Exploring a Large Area

Using the Feature.

Exploring Within an Area

Using the Feature.

Exploring a Specific Place

expected impact

Longer App usage. Creating a new way to explore on Maps will encourage users to spend more time on it, increasing overall app engagement.

If i had more time…

I would like to create use cases for different locations and make this feature more distinct by experimenting with 3D/AR views. Additionally, I’d like to explore implementing AI refinement of the information displayed based on a users history or searches and interests.

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